A Crown Jewell...stock! 2.0End of may Share price :.$ 30,19 now $32 ,00 and I was wriiting at this time:
'''I'm still in the Altagas Saga and most probably for many years to come through my dauther's TFSA accout where I put some funds. Of course I'm still partly invested because this is a crown jewell stock and no matter what some says AltaGas has been a winner for patient investers and most probably by all ALA followers.
By the way, this was and still is a solid stock to invest in a TFSA and the down side risk limited .
Just to repeat the song:: ''give funds to your children and gran children before the ''D-Day'' and the cherry on the cake, in somecase, ALA is a $ 50 stock with a 4 % growing dividend and Ultra Good in a TFSA