FinancialsGottta luv the Friday night NR!
Good News: Cash still around $7 million, only burned through $24 million or so last year, less than previous year
Sources of Cash - about $3.3 million: approx $1.6 million from tax credit receceivable nother $1.8 million from the exercise of options that were expiring (I think around 30 cents/share)
Exploration and Development: Around $500,000 +, next to nothing
ATM: while they do not need to explicitly refer to it, comparing Year end with Q3 shows NO shares were issued (at least nothing more that a few hundred thougsand which migh not be discernable).
So where are we? After YE (March 31) exploration starts. WIth $7 million in the bank and now other liquid assets that will bring in cash. We are well into explortion season so ther $7 million is likely close to all gone. Nd we are only in July
Opinion? TUD needs to raise $$$$$
all imho