Powering AheadGold is on a tear, and EDV is catching a nice bid. I am looking forward to the 3rd Qtr results with great anticipation. A big question for me is how much of the debt they paid off which will give a good indication of how long before it is at zero again, and when a larger dividend can be expected. With production around 300,000 oz in the qtr, a margin over cash costs of almost $2,000, and all the big expenses ( mine building, solar plants, other mine unpgrades) behind, a big chunk of debt could be gone. And then sometime in Qtr 4 a PFS for Tanda-Iguela , and an idea how big it will be. The satellite deposits won't be in the PFS but maybe an idea how much they will add. If it is as big as it might be, it would move EDV into a new category.