Of course you guys realize....Payne lies for good reasonBecause he HAS TO. To keep at least a modecom of interest in this ...." Fairy tale dream"
If he didn't lie about failure after failure, who in the heck would invest, and keep his paycheques rolling in?
No....thank goodness for INSIDER guys like Hoffman, who ( I guess) must still hold a tiny bit of conscience somewhere deep inside.........He helped SUCKER them in.....so I guess it makes sense.......to relay the odd TRUTH to the boys in the bar after hockey.
Or is it the beer talking?
Oh....kinda like.....when he FESSED UP about the bus trials in Toronto....you all remember that Fairy tale.
Thanks Wayne for telling us....that every time the busses turned a corner, the water sloshed to the side, and it stopped working! LOL
That's almost as good as the Hot Shot engineer they hired who decided to use aluminum screws, instead of stainless screws..... to make the BOX lighter......and the screws MELTED.
You can't even make this stuff up.....it's insane
Brain surgeons....ALL OF EM!