RE:RE:This Arguing is ChildishFlamin - wasn't refering to just the last few posts and definitely not yours. I was reading back about 6 or 8 pages when the tone of some of the posts struck me. It is almost always a relative few that engage is this type of behaviour.
flamingogold wrote: My rebuttal was polite, no name calling on my part. I understand why some may get offended. No where did I state TD was going away either. My point is support just broke so the liklihood for a retest of previous support just increased. Simple as that.
DeanEdmonton wrote: You either believe this price range is value with a decent dividend to wait or you believe there is a lot more downside to come and you are better off waiting to get in later on. I don't think anyone seriously believes TD is about to disappear or be bought out. So in 6 months, we will know who is right. In the meantime, all this name calling and sarcasm isn't making this board any better. Try to repsect others' opinions and if you want to disagree, fine, state your postion, but name calling does NOT improve the quality of your arguement.
Merry Christmas all.