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ARHT Media Inc. is a Canada-based company, which specializes in live hologram technology. The Company is engaged in the development, production and distribution of high-quality, low latency hologram and digital content. Its products provide live and prerecorded hologram experiences that are designed to enhance engagement for sales & marketing, as well as learning & development. Its products include ARHT Capsule, ARHT Show Window Max, ARHT Screens, ARHT Virtual Global Stage, ARHT Capture Studio and ARHT Services. ARHT Capsule is a portable full-body liquid crystal display (LCD) hologram with two-dimensional and three-dimensional depth-sensing cameras. ARHT Show Window Max is a modular holographic display with 4K transparent LCD screens. ARHT Screens are available in three sizes: H5 Display, H10 Display and H30 Display. It helps brands, retailers, marketers, executives, educators, entertainers, medical practitioners, and speakers to be present as a high-quality life like hologram.

GREY:ARHTQ - Post by User

Comment by BrickmantoStockon Dec 11, 2024 1:33pm
Post# 36357050

RE:RE:RE:RE:Ripped off!!!

RE:RE:RE:RE:Ripped off!!!
SunsetGrill wrote: DickmatoSucks LOL help us out with a winner like MCF tee hee. One day after his cant lose big winner recommendation the stock drops 50% on horrible results. What a morooooon. The proof is in writing for god sakes. 

BrickmantoStock wrote: Still here whining about your bankrupt Arht losses? Just want to help you out with some upcoming winners. So have look at some  MCF, SILO updates on their progress. No need to thank  me  can help you out anytime buddy and keep you informed on future $ news.

 2025 MCF will start getting earnings from German and Czech wells, possibly Austria. Silo still halted because of KAYA merger should be completed by end of dec or soon after. Deeply sorry about all your ARHT losses but last i heard your ARHT went bankrupt not MCF or SILO sweetheart.
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