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VentriPoint Diagnostics Ltd V.VPT

Alternate Symbol(s):  VPTDF

Ventripoint Diagnostics Ltd. is a Canada-based medical device company. It is engaged in the development and commercialization of diagnostic tools to monitor patients with heart disease. It develops a suite of applications for all heart diseases and imaging modalities, including congenital heart disease, pregnancy, pulmonary hypertension, COVID-19, technically difficult imaging and cardiotoxicity in oncology patients. It provides application of artificial intelligence to echocardiography. Its flagship product, Ventripoint Medical System (VMS+), enhances echocardiography to deliver cMRI levels of accuracy for volumetric measurements and ejection fractions for all four chambers of the heart. It has developed a solution that transforms cardiac care through its 3D ECHO and MRI software. VMS products are powered by its proprietary Knowledge Based Reconstruction technology, which is the result of a decade of development and provides accurate volumetric cardiac measurements equivalent to MRI.

TSXV:VPT - Post by User

Comment by jopatcloon Dec 18, 2024 10:31pm
Post# 36369513

RE:RE: RE:RE:New Press Release - VENTRIPOINT and ASCEND Cardiovasc

RE:RE: RE:RE:New Press Release - VENTRIPOINT and ASCEND Cardiovasc
now 0.10 on TSX-V GranhamB's Fud Sheep or Puppets with your fake accounts go to denigrate as usual good be the judge between GranhamB. and Dr. Jeff Soble, CEO of ASCEND Cardiovascular. "ASCEND is on a mission to provide a powerful, fully integrated, best-of-breed echocardiography workflow solution to its customers,” stated Dr. Jeff Soble, CEO of ASCEND Cardiovascular.
@wmt@cardinal what will the revenue model look like with Ascend?
@cardinalintegrated software with a per sale to Ventripoint. not sure exactly but likely 10k with recurring, They have 50,000 daily users and really love VMS as new sales driver
@cardinalGet ready for more large distribution around the world. Remember, They have some of the biggest centres on the planet now and sales will ramp. Their valve solution could be worth billions. This will be sold to a big
@cardinalMAyo clinic has spurred some massive attention and calls
@yudiBravo good Job Hugh merci @cardinal
@Samburnsdoes anyone have any idea what Ascend is paying to license vms?
@cardinalWhen Mayo buys, they all buy. Also, as hugh stated their are more in front of MAyo and a term sheet to be a reference centre. They love it. Whats the Biggest most prestigious school in the world
@INFOSNIPERAbout Mayo Clinic Health System Mayo Clinic Health System is a family of clinics, hospitals and other health care facilities with physical presence in 39 communities in four regions in Minnesota and Wisconsin. We serve more than 600,000 patients each year in facilities ranging from large regional medical centers with hospitals to rural primary care clinics, including: 16 hospitals 45 multispecialty clinics One mobile health clinic
@yudi(Howard University)
@AGSHighest rated schools in the world are in order - Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Oxford. What is the answer @cardinal ???
@cardinalThis price is flat out dumb. Direct comps with frankly less success and shorter upside have half billion caps
@cardinalAlso as hugh mentioned. The Mayo in Rochester has one imaging floor with 40 plus rooms. Half of those could use VMS. Thats just Rochester.
@coldtoesJust so I'm understanding - when VMS is integrated with Ascend it is a software and support only deal, correct? So no costs for building / sourcing hardware, just pure cash incoming?
@cardinaljust money for sale and recurring
@coldtoesI love that business model. Nice support contract for continuing revenue year over year. And the hospitals are using whatever ultrasound equipment they already have, correct? So very low barrier to entry.

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