profitsonly or onlyprofitsI have been in IFM for about 4 years now and don't post on these boards to often but certainly read them often enough. I think anybody with any real intelligence knows what Profitsonly/Onlyprofits is all about. For him to post at the rate he posts his "comments" at on this board, he is obviously a person who has a lot of time on his hands, LOL.
Most people have simply chosen to put him on ignore. A few months back, I was about to do the same but as I continued to read his "comments" over the months, I soon realized they actually bring a smile to my face. What better therapy in these trying times of economic gloom, anthrax scares, September 11, and the war going on, than to have a smile brought to your face. It's like a business orientated comic strip.
I for one would like to thank Profitsonly for making me smile each and every day. There is something positive in EVERYONE, even profitsonly. Thank you Profitsonly/Onlyprofits