RE: xela1's question!JP, how much sulfide do you think that there is? Mosher made an estimate of the amount of zinc (certainly not all sufide) only in the high part of the E1 North anomaly as a minimum of 5,000 tonnes of zinc metal:
'The area contained within the 10,000 ppm zinc contour totals about five square kilometres. Sampling in vertical profiles has indicated that the vast majority of the metal is contained within the top 10 to 20 centimeters of loess. If 10 centimeters is taken as a conservative average thickness, the resultant volume is 500,000 cubic meters of material with a minimum grade of 1% zinc, or 5,000 tonnes of zinc metal.'
In reality the actual amount of zinc is probably much higher and it is spread out over a very large surface area. I have difficulty in attributing all the zinc over a huge area to an eroded boulder.
Comments JP?