broken trendHi all. I have just joined stockhouse and have been reading all your messages the last month. Your messages have been insightful and intriging. Most impressive your different abilities and resources.
One thing I observed was how quickly some of your modes changed one day to the next. Bull to Bear and then back again.
This is a very worthy point and one I know well as it is one of my major trading signals. Trends. Following the pulse of the consumer and ideally(the corporation if I'm really on).
You all, (for the most part)seem to work well researching and keeping the group informed.
I have to say to you John and Masik you both understand the business well. Bravo to both of you for stating the facts as you see them. It is after all an opinion and one in which you can research or disregard completely. I have to side with John on this one Kiss, in my own experience when these markets swing up and down, oil,politics,commodities,metals etc are always the influnence. To what extent? Well there in lies the dilemma. People like myself and the bigger fish in commodites,mutal funds and corporations, trade trends. We go with what hot right now and we buy the bargins up like rck if we were looking for resourses(metals,diamonds etc.). In fact I haven't researched rck very well at all. I bought when I recieved a so called reliable tip from a supposed insider. I was told (back in Jan or Feb last year) that some of the rck sample tests came back with traces of platinumn and uranium? I'm still to this day not sure that it was true but I put my faith in my system(platinum was hot)(the source was apparently genuine)...but unfortuneatly for me this one had bigger problems underlying.... Appearently as you've all well researched and agree on, Bad Management!
My point is to remember for all intensive purposes this is a speculation stock. IE: that is what we are all our own speculation and opinions. The ones like John and Masik are likely on to something, but even with all the latest and greatest info, (a world war, a terriost attack, a country like china decides to open its borders or become democratic) can send all your info down the toilet.
Take what you have now and use what you got! Is my advice. From there you have to make your can't always be right, unforeseen events happen and what's more we can't control how others react, especially in the stock market. I wish you all, the best.
last thing,
I do agree with you Kiss, on who would be buying this stock?? That is a great question...I think it is strictly people like myself trend traders(not researching it properly), looking for deals on a quick turn around. Very Possibly GR or friends of his like Jayjay said and John mentioned selling short! But hopefully it is the pension company and others like Masik said. If he is right then "That is music to my ears".