RE: 600 applications600 applicants for 40 positions might be considered normal for a densely populated area such as Toronto or Vancouver but for a sparesly populated area such as Belldune, I think it is significant. This clearly supports the notion that the vast majority of the local citizens support and welcome the project. Consider how many of those applicants are likely related or friends with the supposedly 68 remaining locals that are supporting the appeal. How many of those 68 will drop from the list over the next few weeks as they start to see the light?
I stated some time ago that I cannot see why this site won't start up as planned....even if it turns out to be a little later than July for whatever reasons. The noise will just fade away. I agree with Lr7 that this a good time to buy shares. I was also tempted yesterday but I am still overweight already so it is a tough decision that I am still considering. I also think the share price will recover well before the July startup as long as the soil shipments commence within the 6 weeks of delay.
So how much are the shares worth? I think $2.25 EPS for FY2005 is quite achievable. Give that a modest multiple of 16 times gives you a $36 share price for 12-18 months. News of getting the Tar Ponds or other significantly large contracts could push the multiple higher than 16. Kirkland Lake combined with a favourable decision from the Ontario McGuinty government is also another issue that be a positive catalysts for the stock over the next 18 months. Seems to me a return of about 113% in 12-18 months would be prety good. Cheers!!!