RE: Al's High Rack...7 years and 5 months for me. Good gawd what was I thinking? I have scaled back in my holdings somewhat and placed the funds into MTX.
I had a choice between sticking with the continued loss (with a hope to getting back into the black)with CD due to lack of activity and who is actually running the show (KMD) or switching some funds into MTX where Peter G. seems to have things in hand.
MTX has plenty of cash in the till, new additional properties to their portfolio (Morocco and Mali) and plenty of work ongoing.
For CD we have seen the NR for the closing of the financing, no drilling on the 2 drill-ready properties in Nevada and still no activity (IE: Drilling) in Yemen. Oops! Perhaps KMD/Chuck forgot to announce that the continuing trouble between the Yemeni forces and you know who up north (where Al Masna is located) may prevent CD from going into the area. This was not a secret as the news was posted in a couple of the Yemeni papers. The CD drill rig should be sitting somewhere in Yemen by now but ther has always been available drill rigs which should have sufficed on some of the drill targets before now but with the conflict....
I will give CD management another month before I dump a few more 100k as the past performance over the years has definitely ....... (fill in the blank). But this was my choice and mine alone.
I looked at the market cap betweent the two companies with their future prospects and over the last couple of months it has been a good time for me to do a little bit of house cleaning.