Only 8.7 mill/qtr next 3 qtrsis required to meet Cliffy's informal estimates.
Year end conference call 2004. Paraphrasing below.
"We are building a company that can handle 25-30 mill
in revenues for 2005... this is not an outlook just a
So if you do indeed take that as an estimate then let's
do the following:
(30 mill + 25 mill)/2 = 27.5 mill in revenue for 2005
1rst quarter revs = 1.4
Rest of year revenue required = 27.5-1.4 = 26.1
Rest of year / 3 quarters left = 8.7 mill /qtr
If he does not meet this then start cutting costs.
Sorry to be so negative folks but I have gotten hugely
burnt on this stock and I blame myself... and Cliff for
his leaks, promises, and most recently ragging on shareholders.
Time for this monkey to move over to CTO and let somebody
else close some deals... patience doesn't pay... look
at the stock price if you don't believe it...
Cliffy doesn't understand his expectations is what caused
this stock to fly and subsequently crash.
I feel better now.
Thanks and good luck to us. We need it.