ACE appoints new auditorACE appoints new auditor
Friday May 13, 3:39 pm ET
OTTAWA, May 13 /CNW/ - ACE Security Laminates(TM) Corporation (TSX Venture: ASL - News) is pleased to announce that its board, acting on the recommendation of the audit committee, has nominated Deloitte & Touche LLP as the company's auditor following the resignation of Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton, LLP. Deloitte has indicated that its appointment is conditional upon the completion by Deloitte to its satisfaction of (1) their client acceptance process and (2) in addition, a thorough review and investigation by Deloitte of the Company, including any issues raised by the Company's predecessor auditor. In addition, the appointment of Deloitte is conditional on the completion of the Change of Auditor of a Reporting Issuer process under the National Policy Instrument 52-102 of the Canadian Securities Regulators. ACE will be holding its annual meeting on Monday, May 16 2005, and will at that time proceed to amend the resolution to appoint an auditor accordingly. "We take comfort and are pleased to work with such a well respected firm that has our fullest confidence," said Peter Fabian, CEO.