Hey 814DICKY !Why would you give The Dick any ammunition by saying something as stupid as the stock will be $ 1.00 - $ 5.00 within 8 months ? And when it doesn't happen, how many times is The Dick going to remind you of your failed prophecies ? Let's face facts. We are infinitely better off with Les over The Dick, but this stock hasn't being exactly stellar over the last 18 months. I would be thrilled if this thing doubled in the next 8 months.
And Hey Rick !... how's that lawsuit going ? I hear that you're going to regain control of GAI, SFU and SVV (yeah right). LOL Any chance that you are going to regain control of your family ? You know, the wife who is divorcing you just like the TSX and BCSC did because none of them could take any more of your BS ?