goldmine is losing $ inspite of gold at $1,700 an oz.
It costs appro, $1,000 to produce an ounce of gold at
Meadowbank compared to just $54 at Anico's La Ronde
mine in Quebec. As a result the mines life expectency
will be shortened by a few years. Instead of going till
2020; Meadowbank will shut down by 2017.
I always thought that this new method of mining compared
to when i was a miner just didn't make any sense in that in
the old days; the miner didn't get any freebies. You got dock-
ed for your airfare, meals, and safty equiptment; you even got
docked off your bonus for drill bits and powder. It was only
after a year on the job that one quailified for a return trip to
point of hire. Now days the workers are on a 2 week roatation
every month! all paid for by the company, meals, safety boots,
hard hat, glasses etc are also all free compared to when i was
a miner. Imagine what a Boeing 737 costs to charter for the
worker's bi-weekly roatation. It's unreal... Just imagine wht will
happen once they get unuionized.
I have to admit that G&G is correct in that mining is still too ex-
pensive in Nunavut under the present method. They should get
back to creating new mining towns; there's more to life than just
working, eating and sleeping. Some of the most enjoyable times
of my life were the social quailities of living in a mining town.
Heck, in to-days mining camps; no sports hunting or fishing is per-