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Aethlon Medical Inc AEMD

Aethlon Medical, Inc. is a medical therapeutic company focused on developing the Hemopurifier, a clinical-stage immunotherapeutic device which is designed to combat cancer and life-threatening viral infections and for use in organ transplantation. The Hemopurifier, in pre-clinical studies, has demonstrated the removal of harmful exosomes from biological fluids, utilizing its lectin-based technology. The Hemopurifier is a United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) designated Breakthrough Device indicated for the treatment of individuals with advanced or metastatic cancer who are either unresponsive to or intolerant of standard of care therapy, and with cancer types in which exosomes have been shown to participate in the development or severity of the disease. The Hemopurifier also holds an FDA Breakthrough Device designation and an open Investigational Device Exemption application related to the treatment of life-threatening viruses that are not addressed with approved therapies.

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  • mercedesmanX
Post by mercedesmanon Dec 16, 2020 12:27pm
Post# 32119311

AEMD - the gift...

AEMD - the gift......that just keeps on giving !  Even for non-day-traders.

Can you say 2 doubles and a triple ?

Maybe next time a homerun?

But then again, why swing for the fences when you don't have to?

Unloaded all this mornign, early on the (almost) double.

Eventually, once again, it will be time to re-load.

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