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Sphere 3D Corp ANY

Sphere 3D Corp. is a Canada-based bitcoin mining company. The Company delivers data management solutions via hybrid cloud, cloud and on-premises implementations both directly and through its reseller network and professional services organization. It provides data storage and desktop virtualization solutions for small and medium businesses and distributed enterprises. Its segments include Digital Mining and Service and Product. Its brands include Hybrid Virtualization Engine (HVE) ConneXions and Unified ConneXions (UCX). HVE ConneXions combines virtualization solutions with hardware to support cloud requirements for corporate, government, and educational institutions. HVE ConneXions specializes in virtual desktop, server virtualization and network storage that is compatible with various types of workloads, including desktops, servers and databases. UCX is engaged in providing information technology (IT) services to corporate, government, and educational institutions.

NDAQ:ANY - Post by User

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  • NibinatorX
Post by Nibinatoron Dec 05, 2023 4:59pm
Post# 35769924

Yesterday bought and sold

Yesterday bought and soldRegret is lesson learn
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