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AquaBounty Technologies Inc AQB

AquaBounty Technologies, Inc. is a land-based aquaculture company. The Company provides fresh Atlantic salmon to nearby markets by raising its fish in monitored land-based fish farms. Its land-based Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) farms, including a grow-out farm located in Indiana, United States and a broodstock and egg production farm located on Prince Edward Island, Canada, are designed to prevent disease and to include multiple levels of fish containment to protect wild fish populations. RAS facilities provide water treatment technology, including the use of ozone, salt treatment and ultraviolet radiation to kill potential bacterial, fungal, or viral pathogens which might enter the system. The Company is vertically integrated and maintains its own broodstock hatchery, which produces the eggs that it grow-out to harvest size in its production farms. The Company has expertise in fish breeding, genetics, and health and nutrition to deliver disruptive solutions.

NDAQ:AQB - Post by User

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  • Lisagerrard17X
Comment by Lisagerrard17on Jun 13, 2022 12:00pm
Post# 34752235


Karren411 wrote:
tricHOMEs wrote: The future of protein...

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