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Argo Blockchain ADR ARBK

Argo Blockchain plc is a United Kingdom-based blockchain technology company. The Company is focused on cryptocurrency mining. It has mining operations in Quebec and Texas. The principal activity of the Company is bitcoin mining. The Company has mining facilities in Quebec, mining operations in Texas, and offices in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Its global, sustainable operations are predominantly powered by renewable energy. The Company’s crypto mining Baie Comeau location is over 40,000 square feet and operates around 15 megawatts (MW). The Baie Comeau hydroelectric dam generates 100% renewable power. The Company’s subsidiaries include Argo Innovation Labs Inc., Argo Operating US LLC, and Argo Holdings US Inc.

NDAQ:ARBK - Post by User

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  • whytestocksX
Post by whytestockson Nov 07, 2024 6:45pm
Post# 36302138

Argo Blockchain PLC Announces Baie Comeau and Helios Updates

Argo Blockchain PLC Announces Baie Comeau and Helios Updates
BREAKING NEWS: $ARBK Argo Blockchain PLC Announces Baie Comeau and Helios UpdatesBaie Comeau, High Performance Computing and Helios Updates LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM / ACCESSWIRE / November 7, 2024 / Argo Blockchain plc, a global leader in cryptocurrency mining (LSE:ARB)(NASDAQ:ARBK), is pleased to provide the following update: Baie-Comeau and High Performance Computing ...ARBK - Argo Blockchain PLC Announces Baie Comeau and Helios Updates

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