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Bullboard - Stock Discussion Forum ARHT Media Inc ARHTQ

ARHT Media Inc. is a Canada-based company, which specializes in live hologram technology. The Company is engaged in the development, production and distribution of high-quality, low latency hologram and digital content. Its products provide live and prerecorded hologram experiences that are designed to enhance engagement for sales & marketing, as well as learning & development. Its products... see more

GREY:ARHTQ - Post Discussion

ARHT Media Inc > What the heck is going on thought we BK
Post by farml1234 on Dec 09, 2024 10:20am

What the heck is going on thought we BK


Looks like we could be trading 

Comment by WinterBaron on Dec 09, 2024 10:29am
I have the same questions. Is Santa real?
Comment by WinterBaron on Dec 09, 2024 1:52pm
While many definitely share a bit of hope for ARHT Media, and a silver lining in the bankruptcy , my guess at this stage is: the Trading Halt is most likely related to formal wind down of the U.S. side of the business. Having said that, I'm not specifically aware of a separate U.S. division or associate company, so my remarks are purely conjecture in the absence of any comments or creditor ...more