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Array Technologies Inc ARRY

Array Technologies, Inc. is a provider of utility-scale solar tracker technology. The Company manufactures ground-mounting tracking systems used in utility and distributed generation solar energy projects worldwide. The Company’s segments include Array Legacy Operations and STI Legacy Operations. Its principal products are a portfolio of integrated solar tracking systems comprised of software and hardware that include, component parts, such as steel tubing, steel supports, drivelines, center structures, electric motors, motor controller assemblies, bearing assemblies, gearboxes and electronic controllers commonly referred to as a single-axis tracker. Its flagship tracker uses a patented design that allows one motor to drive multiple rows of solar panels. Its products and services include Tracker Systems; DuraTrack HZ v3; Array STI H250; Array OmniTrack, and SmarTrack Software. SmarTrack is its range of software and control-based products designed for utility-scale solar sites.

NDAQ:ARRY - Post by User

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  • mikeL2021X
Post by mikeL2021on Mar 31, 2022 10:42pm
Post# 34565585

Long this stock!!

Long this stock!!They produce an integral part of solar power plant which is booming and will stay hot for decades to come!  Array is also a big turnaround story as steels prices calm down.
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