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Aurora Innovation Inc AUR

Aurora Innovation, Inc. develops the Aurora Driver, which is designed as a platform to adapt and interoperate amongst a multitude of vehicle types and applications. The Company has integrated the Aurora Driver into numerous different vehicle platforms designed to meet its requirements: from passenger vehicles to light commercial vehicles to Class 8 trucks. By creating a common driver platform for multiple vehicle types and use cases. Its second core market focuses on passenger mobility, initially targeting the ride hailing space with Aurora Connect, its driverless ride hailing subscription service. The Aurora Driver will be delivered as a service via Aurora Horizon, its driverless trucking subscription service, and Aurora Connect, its driverless ride hailing subscription service. It also operates its self-driving test vehicle fleet in diverse weather and operating environments, across the Bay Area, Pittsburgh and Texas, allowing it to create a more robust self-driving system.

NDAQ:AUR - Post by User

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  • whytestocksX
Post by whytestockson Jun 09, 2023 1:00pm
Post# 35488761

Why Aurora Innovation Stock Is Skyrocketing This Week

Why Aurora Innovation Stock Is Skyrocketing This Week
News; $AUR Why Aurora Innovation Stock Is Skyrocketing This Week2023-06-09 07:11:41 ET Shares of Aurora Innovation (NASDAQ: AUR) are soaring this week. The self-driving vehicle technology expert saw stock prices rise 43.1% between the closing bells last Friday and this Thursday, according to data from S&P Global Market Intelligence ....AUR - Why Aurora Innovation Stock Is Skyrocketing This Week

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