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DMC Global Inc BOOM

DMC Global Inc. is an owner and operator of asset-light manufacturing businesses. It owns and operates Arcadia Products, DynaEnergetics and NobelClad, three asset-light manufacturing businesses that provide differentiated products and engineered solutions to segments of the construction, energy, industrial processing and transportation markets. Arcadia Products supplies architectural building products, including exterior and interior framing systems, windows, curtain walls, storefronts, doors and interior partitions to the commercial construction market. DynaEnergetics designs, manufactures and sells highly engineered products utilized by the global oil and gas industry for the perforation of oil and gas wells. NobelClad produces explosion-welded clad metal plates for use in the construction of corrosion resistant industrial processing equipment, as well as specialized transition joints for use in construction of commuter rail cars, ships and liquified natural gas processing equipment.

NDAQ:BOOM - Post by User

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  • winnerswingX
Post by winnerswingon Sep 01, 2023 3:10pm
Post# 35616605


BOOM!I can hear the noise that price surge makes: BOOM!
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