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Bruker Corp BRKR

Bruker Corporation is a developer, manufacturer and distributor of scientific instruments and analytical and diagnostic solutions. Its BSI BioSpin segment designs, manufactures, and distributes enabling life science tools based on magnetic resonance technology. Its BSI CALID segment designs, manufactures and distributes life science mass spectrometry and ion mobility spectrometry solutions, analytical and process analysis instruments and solutions. Its BSI Nano segment designs, manufactures and distributes advanced X-ray instruments, atomic force microscopy instrumentation, advanced fluorescence optical microscopy instruments. Its Bruker Energy & Supercon Technologies (BEST) segment develops and manufactures superconducting and non-superconducting materials and devices for use in renewable energy, energy infrastructure, healthcare and big science research. Its product lines include nCounter, CosMx, GeoMx and AtoMx. It also owns electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) business.

NDAQ:BRKR - Post by User

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Post by Joe455on May 29, 2022 11:38am
Post# 34715365


EuropeThings will be great in Europe a year from now when Putin fizzles out.
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