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Barnwell Industries Inc BRN

Barnwell Industries, Inc. is engaged in three businesses: acquiring, developing, producing and selling oil and natural gas in Canada and Oklahoma; investing in land interests in Hawaii; and drilling wells and installing and repairing water pumping systems in Hawaii. The Company operates through three segments: Oil and Natural Gas, Land Investment, and Contract Drilling. Oil and Natural Gas Segment is engaged in oil and natural gas development, production, acquisitions and sales in Canada and Oklahoma. It invests in oil and natural gas properties, which are located in Alberta, Canada and Oklahoma. Land Investment segment is entitled to receive contingent residual payments from the entities that previously purchased the Company’s land investment interests under contracts entered into in prior years. Contract Drilling segment provides well drilling services and water pumping system installation and repairs in Hawaii.

NYSEAM:BRN - Post by User

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  • MikeTesterX
Post by MikeTesteron Aug 03, 2024 1:45pm
Post# 36163270

Barnwell Industries, Inc. (NYSE:BRN): Navigating Challenges

Barnwell Industries, Inc. (NYSE:BRN): Navigating Challenges
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