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Barinthus Biotherapeutics PLC BRNS

Barinthus Biotherapeutics plc is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel T cell immunotherapeutic candidates designed to guide the immune system to overcome chronic infectious diseases and autoimmunity. Its pipeline, built around platform technologies; viral vector-based, consists of ChAdOx and MVA, and synthetic, consisting of SNAP-Tolerance Immunotherapy (SNAP-TI). These platforms help to develop antigen-specific immunotherapeutic candidates designed to optimize the disease fighting capabilities of T cells and guide them towards a healthy balance. It is focused on developing two key product candidates that harness its viral vector and synthetic platform technologies. These include VTP-300, a Phase II immunotherapeutic candidate designed as a potential component of a functional cure for chronic hepatitis B virus infection utilizing ChAdOx/MVA, and VTP-1000, its autoimmune candidate designed to utilize the SNAP-TI platform to treat patients with celiac disease.

NDAQ:BRNS - Post by User

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  • MikeTesterX
Post by MikeTesteron Aug 02, 2024 10:44am
Post# 36160757

Barinthus Biotherapeutics plc: A Promising Biotech Tackling

Barinthus Biotherapeutics plc: A Promising Biotech Tackling
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