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Biotricity Inc BTCY

Biotricity Inc. is a medical technology company focused on biometric data monitoring and diagnostic solutions. The Company developed its Bioflux technology, comprised of a monitoring device and software components. The Bioflux device is comprised of a wet electrode worn on a belt clip around the waist. The Bioflux ECG reporting software enables doctors and labs to view a patient’s electrocardiogram (ECG) data for monitoring and diagnostic purposes. Its Bioflux platform has a built-in cellular chipset and a real-time embedded operating system, which allows for its technology to be utilized as an Internet of Things (IoT) platform. It has developed several technologies, including Biotres, Bioheart, and Biocare. Biotres is an ECG Holter solution that addresses the limitations of existing solutions in the Holter market. Bioheart is a personal cardiac monitoring solution for consumers. Biocare is a cardiac disease management platform for chronic care management and remote patient monitoring.

OTCQB:BTCY - Post by User

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  • whytestocksX
Post by whytestockson Nov 15, 2024 12:45pm
Post# 36315173

Biotricity Achieves Improved Margins and Efficiencies, and Y

Biotricity Achieves Improved Margins and Efficiencies, and Y
Breaking News: $BTCY Biotricity Achieves Improved Margins and Efficiencies, and Year-Over-Year Sales Growth for Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2025 Company achieved positive cash flow in September on a current operating basis, before paying interest, dividends and amortization; management expects to continue to see cash flows improve Company reports Q2-FY25 revenue grew by 13% YOY to $3.3 million Gross margins continued to meet manag...BTCY - Biotricity Achieves Improved Margins and Efficiencies, and Year-Over-Year Sales Growth for Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2025 

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