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Peabody Energy Corp BTU

Peabody Energy Corporation is a coal producer, providing essential products for the production of reliable energy and steel. The Company owns interests in coal mining operations located in the United States and Australia, including interests in Middlemount Coal Pty Ltd. It markets and brokers coal from other coal producers, trades coal and freight-related contracts. The Company’s segments include Seaborne Thermal Mining, Seaborne Metallurgical Mining, Powder River Basin Mining, Other U.S. Thermal Mining and Corporate and Other. The Seaborne Thermal Mining segment’s operations consist of mines in New South Wales, Australia. The mines in that segment utilize both surface and underground extraction processes to mine low-sulfur, high Btu thermal coal. The Seaborne Metallurgical Mining segment’s operations consist of mines in Queensland, Australia, one in New South Wales, Australia and one in Alabama, United States. The Company owns the southern portion of the Wards Well tenement.

NYSE:BTU - Post by User

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  • whytestocksX
Post by whytestockson Nov 25, 2024 2:30am
Post# 36328458

Peabody to Acquire Tier 1 Australian Metallurgical Coal Asse

Peabody to Acquire Tier 1 Australian Metallurgical Coal Asse
News; $BTU Peabody to Acquire Tier 1 Australian Metallurgical Coal Assets from Anglo AmericanPeabody to Acquire Tier 1 Australian Metallurgical Coal Assets from Anglo American PR Newswire Transforms Peabody into a leading global seaborne metallurgical coal producer with Tier 1 mines 1 near the world's strongest steel markets Transaction represe...BTU - Peabody to Acquire Tier 1 Australian Metallurgical Coal Assets from Anglo American

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