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Affinor Growers Inc C.AFI

Alternate Symbol(s):  RSSFF

Affinor Growers Inc. is a Canada-based vertical farming technology and greenhouse operations company. The Company is a patented technology developer and supplier of turnkey vertical farming facilities, including proprietary greenhouse, growing towers, automation and cultivation processes. It is focused on developing vertical farming technologies and using those technologies to grow fruits and vegetables in a sustainable manner. The Company has vertically integrated growing systems that can offer automated mechanical pollination for fruiting crops and vertical solutions for the vertical farming industry. It has an expansion plan to grow strawberries, romaine lettuce, kale and spinach across Western Canada. It is growing strawberries at four levels in a 15,000 square foot leased greenhouse in Abbotsford, British Columbia. It has developed and patented its own growing towers in Canada, the United States, Colombia and Aruba.

CSE:AFI - Post by User

Post by QcTraderon Jun 23, 2022 7:55am
Post# 34776338

23 years later.... 1999 to 2022 LMAO

23 years later.... 1999 to 2022 LMAO

Thats the time it took for Nick Brusatore to grow 1 strawberry.... as indicated by his linkedin comment..... WHAT AN ACHIEVEMENT !!!!!!

Thank you John, Long Haul is correct I think I met you in 1999 when I started this quest for vertical food. You just reminded me how long !! Lol. I hope your well bud


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