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Affinor Growers Inc C.AFI

Alternate Symbol(s):  RSSFF

Affinor Growers Inc. is a Canada-based vertical farming technology and greenhouse operations company. The Company is a patented technology developer and supplier of turnkey vertical farming facilities, including proprietary greenhouse, growing towers, automation and cultivation processes. It is focused on developing vertical farming technologies and using those technologies to grow fruits and vegetables in a sustainable manner. The Company has vertically integrated growing systems that can offer automated mechanical pollination for fruiting crops and vertical solutions for the vertical farming industry. It has an expansion plan to grow strawberries, romaine lettuce, kale and spinach across Western Canada. It is growing strawberries at four levels in a 15,000 square foot leased greenhouse in Abbotsford, British Columbia. It has developed and patented its own growing towers in Canada, the United States, Colombia and Aruba.

CSE:AFI - Post by User

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  • HaulJockeyX
Post by HaulJockeyon Jun 28, 2023 11:01am
Post# 35518471


Just what I think.

I've done some DND on this company and Hinton AB and have come to the conclusion that IMO, this story is a fart in the wind.

The website, vauge and off the shelf. When a company starts throwing around numbers in the tens of millions, there's usually more substance to their presence. It's new, with new people coming on board and they may be desperate for expansion. Could be the reason Nicky was able to get them to put their name on it.

Hinton from the air looks like it's surrounded by gas fracking going on everywhere. The roads leading to the clearings in the trees is a dead give away. That, and tourism is Hinton by the looks of it.

Again, throwing around talk in the tens of millions of investment dollars while including Uncle Nicky and his track record, laughable. Maybe if Nick buried his magic strawberries they would grow into a beanstock that he could climb where he would find a goose that laid golden eggs to finance his next failed enterprise.

How these guys missed all of Nicky's past is beyond me. IMO, this is all some kind of play that will only serve Nicky and not his investors.

"Freshbay has engaged the company to provide certain products and services for use at the project site to support Freshbay in its production and commercialization of strawberries. More specifically, the company will:"

When they say "the company", are they talking about Nicky?! He's going to provide this?! If Nicky had the money to supply all of this to them, he wouldn't need them.

  • Supply and arrange for the installation of 17,530 vertical hydroponic towers with self-pollinating capabilities at the project site;
  • Supply and arrange for the installation of 34 polycarbonate Atlantis greenhouses at the project site;
  • Install or arrange for the installation of its automated irrigation and fertilization system (together with the towers and greenhouses, the "equipment") for strawberry production using the greenhouses and the towers at the project site;
  • Arrange for the initial introduction between Freshbay and Berrymobile Fruit Distribution Inc. to explore the purchase of strawberries grown at the project site (the offtake products);
Why would Freshbay need an intro from Nicky? Tens of millions at the ready and they need an intro from Nicky?, ya right.
  • "Grant Freshbay certain licences to use certain trademarks, intellectual property and standard operating procedures of the company."
This last bit is all the tangible Nicky has left IMO. Everything else is when and if. IMO the play has something to do with this.

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