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SlickWilly48 wrote: If this repriced Private Placement that was originally priced at 20 cents , now down to 8 cents was not so sad it would be funny? I've never heard of a Private Placement being re-priced 3 times in roughly a month? This makes the company seem beyond desperate? It would not surprise me if somebody offered the company $620,000 at a converson rate of 3 cents per share that Management would not jump at it? Why is the company so desperate for this money , ....today. Would the ethical thing to have done , if the company felt they could not fill the Private Placement at 20 cents , then 15 cents per share , that they would just cancel the Private Placement until there was a more favourable market for the Private Placement instead of just continuing to chop the Private Placement ask Price? Or since the shareholders are being seriously deluted , why not offer the existing shareholders rights or warrants at 8 cents or so per share? Hell it would not surprise me if Management decieded to just hold an auction to raise the money that they want ??? LOL Good luck to all shareholders! Where the Private Placement offer will end up nobody knows?????