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BioMark Diagnostics Inc C.BUX

Alternate Symbol(s):  BMKDF

BioMark Diagnostics Inc. is a liquid biopsy company. The Company is developing a molecular diagnostics technology platform, which leverages the power of metabolomics and machine learning algorithms to bring new cancer diagnostics to market and improve cancer prognosis by allowing physicians to detect carcinomas in the pre-symptomatic stages. The technology can also be used for measuring response to treatment and potentially for serial monitoring of cancer survivors. Its cancer diagnostics technology platform leverages Omics and machine learning with a focus on cancers that are hard to detect and treat cancers. Its liquid biopsy assay detects Spermidine/spermine N-acetyltransferase 1 (SSAT1). SSAT1 is an enzyme with elevated levels in numerous cancers. Its oncology has developed a new high powered liquid biopsy metabolic panel assay. The new metabolic assay is instrumental for early-stage diagnosis of lung cancer. The liquid biopsy metabolic panel has demonstrated clinical detections.

CSE:BUX - Post by User

Post by geodcanon Jul 15, 2024 9:27pm
Post# 36133969

I just pre-refreshed my order

I just pre-refreshed my orderwhich for some reason just doesn't show as a viable buy, at least on SH.

I see Bux and Huang are ponying up a little more, almost $3000 to support our shareprice by insider purchases according to SH insider link above.

 A tidbit of news today, also!
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