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CordovaCann Ord Shs C.CDVA

Alternate Symbol(s):  LVRLF

CordovaCann Corp. is a Canada-based cannabis-focused consumer products company. The Company is focused on building a diversified cannabis products business across multiple jurisdictions, including Canada and the United States. It primarily provides services and investment capital to the retail, processing and production vertical markets of the cannabis industry. The Company specializes in identifying, funding, developing and managing operations throughout the cannabis value chain. It owns operations in the United States in Oregon and Washington and has built a chain of cannabis retail stores in Canada with locations in Ontario and Manitoba. The Company’s retail business in Canada has approximately 11 stores across two provinces, and it is looking to establish a footprint in the United States. It is focused on establishing white-label manufacturing of cannabis products to aid in the geographic proliferation of cannabis brands.

CSE:CDVA - Post by User

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  • MimieMaumieX
Comment by MimieMaumieon Jul 05, 2020 2:43pm
Post# 31226133


RE:Cordova?Yes, because they "can" ??
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