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A Blockchain Ecosystem With Unlimited Scalability
Arcology's scalability is magnitudes greater than other blockchains currently on the market - a single node cluster can scale without limits.
With heterogeneous smart contracts running on the same platform, we offer cross-platform functionality without sidechains.
Arcology's architecture is suitable for both permissioned and permissionless scenarios, with many unique features.
Thanks to very low transaction and storage fees, Arcology is the most developer-friendly decentralized network.
Arcology's technical paper gives you the near complete scope of its capabilities. Discover why you should build on the Arcology blockchain network.
Arcology’s version of CryptoKitties outperforms the original by a factor of 1,000 to one.
Microservice architecture to achieve maximum flexibility, scalability and cluster computation.
The first the only blockchain system has achieved full Parallelism through cluster computation.
Compatible with multiple smart contract language flattening dApp developer’s learning curves.
Running Heterogeneous VMs simultaneously in the same node, on the same chain.
Low-cost, high-performance, tiered storage designed for data-intensive application.
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