EMPS Achieves Breakthrough in DLE w/ Successful Pilot Today Today, EMP Metals Corp. (Ticker: EMPS.c or EMPPF for US investors), a Canadian lithium exploration and development company, announced a significant achievement in its ongoing pilot program in Saskatchewan.

EMPS reported successful results from its Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) Field Pilot Facility, which houses Canada’s first Koch Technology Solutions (KTS) DLE pilot skid. This facility, in collaboration with Saltworks Technologies, has demonstrated impressive performance metrics, reinforcing EMP Metals' position in the lithium industry.
Over a 75-day period, the pilot facility processed exceptionally clean geological brine, free from hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and notable organics, through Koch Technology Solutions' Li-Pro™ system.
The results showcased a lithium recovery rate exceeding 97% and impurity rejection rates greater than 99%, setting a new industry standard.
These findings are particularly significant given the high lithium concentration in the brine and the efficiency of the process, which allowed for the production of battery-grade lithium carbonate.
Garrett Krall, Lithium Business Leader at KTS, expressed enthusiasm about the results, highlighting the rapid advancement towards commercial deployment. Megan Low, VP of Lithium Process Solutions at Saltworks, also emphasized the high Li ratio achieved, noting that it reflects the superior quality of Saskatchewan’s brine and underscores the efficiency of the DLE system.
Paul Schubach, COO of EMP Metals, praised the collaboration between EMP, KTS, and Saltworks, which delivered results that exceeded expectations.
The successful pilot has now progressed to the next stage, with the DLE eluate being processed at Saltworks’ headquarters to produce battery-grade lithium carbonate for potential off-takers.
EMP Metals continues to focus on large-scale lithium resources in Southern Saskatchewan, holding 196,000 net acres of subsurface dispositions and strategic wellbores.
The company's innovative approach and successful pilot program position it as a leader in the direct lithium extraction industry.
Full news here: https://empmetals.com/emp-metals-announces-successful-pilot-program-with-koch-technology-solutions-and-saltworks-technologies-in-saskatchewan/
Posted on behalf of EMP Metals Corp.