EMPS Sets Industry Standard Benchmark for Li RecoveryYesterday, EMP Metals (EMPS.c EMPPF) set an industry standard benchmark for lithium concentration recovery using DLE following a successful pilot program with a successful pilot program with Koch Technology Solutions and Saltworks Technologies in Saskatchewan!
Ongoing success and results from its Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) Field Pilot Facility, which houses the first Koch Technology Solutions (KTS) DLE pilot skid in Canada, have shown impressive performance over 75 days of operation.
The geological brine processed through KTS's Li-Pro™ technology achieved lithium recovery rates of over 97% and impurity rejection rates exceeding 99%.
Saltworks Technologies provided additional systems and technology for refining the lithium to battery-grade quality. The lithium concentration in the DLE eluate exceeded 2000 mg/L with a Li
ratio greater than 0.1, marking a significant industry benchmark.
These results highlight the clean nature of the Saskatchewan brine and the effectiveness of the combined efforts from EMP Metals, KTS, and Saltworks. The eluate has been sent to Saltworks' headquarters for further processing into battery-grade lithium carbonate, which will be supplied to off-takers.
Notably, these are "industry leading results" that represent a "new industry benchmark" for a continuous at side DLE pilot due to the high-quality.
Full News Release:
https://empmetals.com/emp-metals-announces-successful-pilot-program-with-koch-technology-solutions-and-saltworks-technologies-in-saskatchewan/ Posted on Behalf of EMP Metals Corp.