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EMP Metals Corp C.EMPS

Alternate Symbol(s):  EMPPF

EMP Metals Corp. is a Canada-based lithium exploration and development company focused on large scale resources using direct lithium extraction (DLE). The Company, through its partnership with ROK Resources Inc., holds 196,000 net (79,300 hectares) acres of subsurface dispositions and strategic wellbores in Southern Saskatchewan. Its Mansur Permit Area, Tyvan Permit Area and View field Permit Area cover an area extending 40 miles north and 40 miles east of the City of Weyburn. The Company is focused on the exploration and development of its highly prospective lithium brine properties (the Li-Brine Properties). In the Mansur property region, the Duperow formation has tested up to 190mg/l in the offsetting 141/14-12-7-11W2 well. The Company also has 101/14-36-008-13 W2M and 141/08-03-009-13 W2M (Second Test Well) wellbores, which are in the Mansur Permit Area of southeast Saskatchewan.

CSE:EMPS - Post by User

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  • MarketMakerssX
Post by MarketMakersson Aug 30, 2024 2:57pm
Post# 36203208

Lithium in Saskatchewan - Hub City Feature

Lithium in Saskatchewan - Hub City Feature

'Hub City Lithium completes pilot, changes ownership structure, and is drilling near Stoughton'


Insightful breakdown of the significant strides made in Saskatchewan's lithium sector with EMP Metals (EMPS.c EMPPF) gaining full control of the Hub City Lithium project who launched a two-well exploration drilling program following the successful completion of a pilot plant test:


The project leverages high lithium brine concentrations and existing infrastructure in Saskatchewan, using sustainable direct lithium extraction (DLE) technology. With initial production targeted for 2026 and full-scale output by 2027, EMPS to establish a production capacity of up to 19,000 tonnes per year, despite current market challenges.


Latest News Release:


Posted on Behalf of EMP Metals Corp.


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