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EMP Metals Corp C.EMPS

Alternate Symbol(s):  EMPPF

EMP Metals Corp. is a Canada-based lithium exploration and development company focused on large scale resources using direct lithium extraction (DLE). The Company, through its partnership with ROK Resources Inc., holds 196,000 net (79,300 hectares) acres of subsurface dispositions and strategic wellbores in Southern Saskatchewan. Its Mansur Permit Area, Tyvan Permit Area and View field Permit Area cover an area extending 40 miles north and 40 miles east of the City of Weyburn. The Company is focused on the exploration and development of its highly prospective lithium brine properties (the Li-Brine Properties). In the Mansur property region, the Duperow formation has tested up to 190mg/l in the offsetting 141/14-12-7-11W2 well. The Company also has 101/14-36-008-13 W2M and 141/08-03-009-13 W2M (Second Test Well) wellbores, which are in the Mansur Permit Area of southeast Saskatchewan.

CSE:EMPS - Post by User

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  • MarketMakerssX
Post by MarketMakersson Oct 09, 2024 2:21pm
Post# 36259750

Direct Lithium Extraction, Saskatchewan & Oil and Gas

Direct Lithium Extraction, Saskatchewan & Oil and Gas

Why Direct Lithium Extraction is Taking Saskatchewan + Oil & Gas Operators By Storm & How EMP Metals (EMPS.c EMPPF) Is Positioned to Capitalize


With a clear plan to production, EMP Metals (EMPS.c EMPPF) is focused on developing lithium in Saskatchewan having recently reported high-grade lithium concentrations across multiple zones:


Emphasizing the importance of being prepared to build and operate the project if it proves viable, EMPS' CEO highlighted the company's strong partnerships with experienced oil and gas developers in Saskatchewan, who have expertise in moving projects from discovery through to production.


While direct lithium extraction (DLE) is a newer extraction technology, it shares similarities with oil and gas extraction, making the skills and infrastructure in the region highly applicable. This is in contrast with hard rock mining lithium development, which is more costly and time-consuming, often taking a decade to reach production.


In Saskatchewan, however, the supportive government, existing infrastructure, and a skilled labor force create an ideal environment for development. EMPS is pursuing a staged approach, starting with smaller, manageable steps to ensure the technology works and can scale profitably, rather than tackling the entire project at once.


Further, EMPS anticipates better lithium prices around 2026-2027, which aligns with their timeline for reaching early-stage production. Ultimately, the plan is to leverage local talent and infrastructure to build a profitable lithium production facility themselves.


For more information on the latest news, refer to this deep dive:


Posted on Behalf of EMP Metals Corp.


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