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EnviroMetal Technologies Inc C.ETI

Alternate Symbol(s):  EVLLF

EnviroMetal Technologies Inc. is a Canada-based company. The Company is engaged in the developing and commercializing economic and environmentally sustainable metal recovery technologies for applications in the gold mining industry. The Company extracts precious metals from ores and concentrates by deploying its proprietary non-cyanide, water-based and neutral pH treatment process. Its proprietary and patented chemistry technology extracts precious metals from conventional mine products, including gravity, flotation and pre-treated refractory concentrates. Its chemistry formulations recover gold from gravity and flotation concentrates. Its pipeline technology In Situ Recovery (ISR) is an extraction method for multiple metals. ISR used as a primary uranium extraction process in the United States and internationally. ISR offers a sustainable solution for the gold mining sector.

CSE:ETI - Post by User

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  • BigGrayCatX
Comment by BigGrayCaton Nov 01, 2021 10:52am
Post# 34072909

RE:RE:Morgan Talking Envirometal

RE:RE:Morgan Talking EnvirometalFrom conversations with a couple posters from this board, I can certainly understand why they take issue with DN.  I'm not saying he is a narcissist and i'm not implying that either.

However, what would be wrong with that?  I think that many would say Steve Jobs (former Apple CEO) and Elon Musk are somewhat narcissistic.  I think it is good to have "passion" that is perhaps over the top.

Please don't get me wrong, I'm NOT comparing DN to Steve Jobs and Elon Musk.  I am saying that having that trait does not prevent one from running a very successful company.

Whether accurate or not accurate, it doesn't matter to me.  As an investor, what I care about is:
1.  Does the technology work and is there a market for such technology?
2.  Is the technology feasible and profitable at a commercial scale?
3.  Can the management execute on the vision/plan?

For EnviroMetal, I believe the answer to #1 is Yes the technology works (many independent lab tests) and yes there is a potentially huge market for this type of technology.  For #2, I am cautiously optimistic, but it seems we've been in this phase for quite a while.  For #3 we don't know the answer yet.  There have been some issues.  It's hard for me to distinquish legitimate COVID related impacts from possible management missteps.

I'm obviously very concerned, but still believe there is value here.  I suspect there will be another stock offering in the very near future, which will cause further dilution and a drag on the stock price for a while.  I don't share the opinion of others that either Mineworx or EnviroMetal will succeed and the other will fail.  Both could succeed, both could fail.  Since I own both, I'm hoping for success on both fronts.

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