Comment by tamarion Sep 14, 2022 10:13am

Post# 34961518
RE:RE:ETI's Group 11 partner, enCore Energy to be
RE:RE:ETI's Group 11 partner, enCore Energy to beyou're welcome, Sherry. Today was enCore's consolidation rather than the Nasdaq uplist, sorry for any confusion on that. Either way the Nasdaq uplist is imminent.
The fresh core undergoing ETI's process further derisks the project ahead of the live well test that's on tap for next season. It would be nice if additional fresh core from separate ISR amenable projects could find their way into the testing now, so by the time a successful well test is completed in 2023 they have additional project(s) in the queue (stack up the royalties). A successful live well test may set off competition for ISR amenable gold projects worldwide.