Comment by BrandNewGuyon Dec 12, 2022 6:15pm

Post# 35167249
RE:RE:RE:Projects, testing programs, 2023 targets:
RE:RE:RE:Projects, testing programs, 2023 targets:Oh you guys from the last two posts.
The former CEO of this company did not want to focus on Catylitic converters, which is what caused the lawsuit between these two companies as that person was delaying everything.
Regenx does need the ETI solution as they came up with their own process.
These two companies will never ever be in business agian together excpet 1 possible way, in my opinion. The one possible way is that a year from now if Regenx performs there stock could be worth 2-5x where it is now and then maybe they buyout ETI.
Just dreaming of putting these 2 companies back together again.