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EnviroMetal Technologies Inc C.ETI

Alternate Symbol(s):  EVLLF

EnviroMetal Technologies Inc. is a Canada-based company. The Company is engaged in the developing and commercializing economic and environmentally sustainable metal recovery technologies for applications in the gold mining industry. The Company extracts precious metals from ores and concentrates by deploying its proprietary non-cyanide, water-based and neutral pH treatment process. Its proprietary and patented chemistry technology extracts precious metals from conventional mine products, including gravity, flotation and pre-treated refractory concentrates. Its chemistry formulations recover gold from gravity and flotation concentrates. Its pipeline technology In Situ Recovery (ISR) is an extraction method for multiple metals. ISR used as a primary uranium extraction process in the United States and internationally. ISR offers a sustainable solution for the gold mining sector.

CSE:ETI - Post by User

Comment by bailey2on Feb 21, 2023 4:59pm
Post# 35297173

RE:New Press Release - EnviroMetal Board Change

RE:New Press Release - EnviroMetal Board ChangeGood news.  In business you have to leave your ego at the door before any positive business decisions can be made both internally and externally. Best news that has been posted this year. I like the options to the consultant at 25 cents. Eti is supposed to have a booth at PDAC beginning of March. Perhaps just maybe it is not as dire as the DMR report and the off the cuffs remarks by certain people in a presentaion or two.....just saying......glta
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