Post by dieseldaveon Apr 26, 2023 10:07pm

Post# 35416100
No Snake Oil
No Snake Oil Thanks for the heads up regarding the Webinar Bailey. Having listened to it just now I was struck by the toned down messaging they are now delivering. Their former spokesman (who shall forever remain nameless) gushing on endlessly regarding company prospects and the long line of companies (Mining and Recycling) expressing interest in the process.
The list and number seems to have been pared down considerably. and is a welcome change from the "Too Good to be True" hype fest we all have been accustomed to hearing for the last 6+ years. I prefer "Truth" over "Too Good to be True" all day long. There is interest and there is work to do. Let's get on with it.
On a side note the private company mentioned ( "Behind Envirometal in it's evolution" ) raising 16M series A funding is pH7.
Among the 6 investor firms contributing are TDK (old guys remember the cassette tapes?) and BASF...They may not be "behind" us for too much longer... Good for them.