Comment by Stockmoves1on Aug 19, 2022 3:03pm

Post# 34908139
RE:RE:Fandifi (FDM.CN) Hosted a Great Webinar $FDM
RE:RE:Fandifi (FDM.CN) Hosted a Great Webinar $FDMSo we get an nr in the next week or two with the platform going live is the way it sounded but will we get any contracts if not dollars attached to the launch? I kinda doubt it initially, that would be hoping for too much perhaps.. If they do sign anyone up I suspect it will be on a trial basis to start with until proven stable... pretty quiet here on the home front. from a TA perspective we have a reversal if 9 holds never alone 11... once 15 goes assuming it does the chart can rebuild. The confidence that the 10ct warrants get exercised was a decent plug for what it's worth and would take some decent volume or renewed interest for sure.. what a boring market these days..