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Fandifi Technology Corp C.FDM.X

Alternate Symbol(s):  FDMSF

Fandifi Technology Corp. provides a crowd-based and system-generated prediction fan engagement platform. The Company’s primary business is the development and monetization of the Company’s all ages fand engagement and brand activation platform for engaging fans on desktop and mobile platforms. The Company’s Fandifi platform runs on associated neural networks for content creators to increase gamification of their content and enable fan engagement within their communities regardless of the form of distribution. The platform’s main product is a prediction engine, which facilitates real-time predictions in various events, helping content creators to extend peak viewership metrics. Fandifi presents data for predictions from esports and sports data feeds as well as from community generated predictions that viewers can overlay on any streamed content and then share with friends and their communities as challenges.

CSE:FDM.X - Post by User

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  • Stockmoves1X
Comment by Stockmoves1on Aug 26, 2022 10:07am
Post# 34922196

RE:RE:Some good news coming out soon I think

RE:RE:Some good news coming out soon I thinkSo why are you here Bushleague??? you guys are always down and out.. I guess for every Long there are the shorters that want the company to fail and when we bail you pick up the scraps.... Nice to see IROC stepping up to the plate.. I can't wait until a bunch of these hosers get slapped silly for the short game they find themselves a part of.. This won't happen overnight because once a crook gets used to their blatant ways of thievery it is hard to change until someone goes down hard... Should this mess get cleaned up companies will have a far better chance of survival without being punished because a group of low lifes take advantage.. You and your buds do create a lot of buying opportunities I will grant you that but to not state your real motives I feel is one more sign of the lives you guys live. Why not just come out with it and say.. I luv to short companies with my buds because we can manipulate the market and we luv it.. We don't care if a company goes down the toilet, because it's only jobs and other peoples money we luv to steal. We luv to post negative thoughts day in and day out because it goes with out natures and we luv to just be down on everyone and everything around us... I say get a life and call a spade a spade. 
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