Comment by Stockmoves1on Aug 26, 2022 1:37pm

Post# 34923044
RE:RE:RE:RE:Some good news coming out soon I think
RE:RE:RE:RE:Some good news coming out soon I thinkGet your facts straight .. you are putting words in people's mouths... First off, did you listen to the conference?? If you didn't, then shut your trap.. The way in which David mentioned days left me with the feeling of a week or two.... We are now closing in on 10days.. Like it matters whether its 10days or 20days.. It is still days. Again you have to post your negativity yet you divuldge the fact in a prior post you didn't listen to the report. Why would you?? when you have no interest in the success of this company but a lot of interest in it failing. Next... Just say it.. I have a grudge with managemnet, I am a shorter, and I feed on weakness... Man up and be truthful instead of the same ole sour taste you leave others with. But why would you do that when shorters feed on weakness?? I am not pumping this play, but it has my curiosity. I am in small with an ave just over a dime.. To myself, it doesn't make or break me but there are many that still have high hopes of getting some dollars back out of this and for those I feel their pain and will continue to be all over you when all you do is spew your poison here. So unless your words come tru,e and they may, you have set yourself up nicely to stand corrected.