Comment by drinkinlotson Aug 26, 2022 3:33pm

Post# 34923352
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Some good news coming out soon I think
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Some good news coming out soon I thinktheres plenty invested in here im sure hgher than a dime...MAYBE those investors bought in thinking it may be a good investment long term ,as first time investors ..i agree sucks to be them... SO should there not be warning signs before anyone invest in any of these companies not listed from the top 10 STOCKMARKETS .in the world ...i see they need to give the average joe a reminder when there credit card,is about to be maxed out in the western world .Then maybe a lot of these ceos should be accountable in the wording they choose when releasing/possible news info. This stock would be a .30 -40 cent stock easy maintaining itself ,everyone would be buying this up , managment and all the associates toooo..but ..the play is like covid and its rules ,tired of the rhetoric and people have moved on with life..YES .I DID WATCH THE VIDEO ..goodluck