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Fandifi Technology Corp C.FDM.X

Alternate Symbol(s):  FDMSF

Fandifi Technology Corp. provides a crowd-based and system-generated prediction fan engagement platform. The Company’s primary business is the development and monetization of the Company’s all ages fand engagement and brand activation platform for engaging fans on desktop and mobile platforms. The Company’s Fandifi platform runs on associated neural networks for content creators to increase gamification of their content and enable fan engagement within their communities regardless of the form of distribution. The platform’s main product is a prediction engine, which facilitates real-time predictions in various events, helping content creators to extend peak viewership metrics. Fandifi presents data for predictions from esports and sports data feeds as well as from community generated predictions that viewers can overlay on any streamed content and then share with friends and their communities as challenges.

CSE:FDM.X - Post by User

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  • SP01ShadowX
Comment by SP01Shadowon Aug 31, 2022 9:54am
Post# 34932063


Stockmoves, I think you'd be wise to lose the rose coloured glasses on this one. Call a spade a spade. This has been a used and abused p&d for years. If anyone deserves to go to jail it's DV and the crew behind this scheme. The manipulation on this stock has been real, but only possible due to there being no substance to the company. When this stock goes up at all, it's always a bubble waiting to burst.

If there was any value here it would be in the tech FDM have claimed they have (AI, machine learning, etc). If they actually had a "platform" with this tech we would have seen it by now.

How would you feel if the gold juniors you invest in lied about their deposits? They would never get away with it! There are laws and codes in place, and accountability at many levels.


All FDM has proven they have is a fancy PDF and a deceptive salesman. The only motive for defending them is an attempt to minimize losses, which is not a great look.

Just my 2c. Have a good day.
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