Remember me
You bet, i do have 1.5m shares now and i have never dumped. I am fairly close to the project and in contact with David on a regular basis. Ive never had an issue calling and challenging him on whats going on. My view point here is we all bought a high risk tech dream. If we dont have the gut to handle the rocky road to potential returns than we shouldnt be buying these types of stocks. Anyone sitting and bashing penny stocks should really take a pause and think about it. Youre playing roulette, whether its a mining stock, health stock or tech stock you are betting on a dream or a vision. The returns are massive if you bet on the right one. Im still here, i bet on henri and that failed me, david and this team are market guys who are very well connected. We have a product and a team actually working on bringing it to life. To be honest, we should all be thankful as shareholders that we have cash on hand, a product, and a low share count. The potential for a 10x is real. Without question. Am i pissed off that i havent made a couple million already? Ya... but im typing and telling you im optomistic and still very close to this investment. My money is where my mouth is. Goofs like bushleague are a waste of all of our time. Ive been around this board a longgg time, look at all my posts. Ive never gone on a board and bashed a company. Ive also never posted on a board where i dont own the stock.
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